Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
We are really looking forward to teaching your children this year. Mrs Tasseen is going to be teaching 2T this year with help from Mrs Croucher her Teaching Assistant. Mrs Ogilvie and Mrs Hall are going to be teaching 2J this year with help from Miss Bland as their Teaching Assistant. Miss Hawkins is also going to be helping in Year 2 across both classes as an additional Teaching Assistant.
It is important that children drink plenty of water throughout the day. In order to do this, please provide your child with a named water bottle that they can use during the day. Please make sure this does not leak and has a ‘sports top’ lid. These can be bought in the school office.
Break Time Snacks
Key Stage One children are currently offered a piece of fruit every break time. This will be continuing this year. If you would rather provide your child with their own snack, please refer to the Parent Handbook for guidance as we like to ensure that we are promoting healthy eating within the school. Milk is available but needs to be paid for. Please see the school office for details.
Arriving at school
To encourage independence, we ask that you say goodbye to your child on the playground once you have met their teacher. There will be a TA in the classroom to guide them to their independent activity once they have hung up their coat.
We have an ‘open door’ policy and are always ready to discuss any urgent problems with you in the morning when you bring your child to school. However, if you want to have a longer discussion about your child, please make an appointment to talk to us after school – thank you.
Collecting your child
At the end of the school day your child will be taken to their designated area on the playground. The children are instructed to remain with school staff until they see the adult responsible for collecting them and a member of staff has approved. It would be helpful for staff if you could give us a wave when you see your child as this will help us learn your faces. Arriving on time is extremely important. Please ensure that the class teacher or the office is aware if someone else is collecting your child. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
There will be an opportunity for your child to show you their new classroom and to meet the teacher on Monday 5th September at the end of the school day. We hope you can make it and look forward to seeing you.